Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not doing well

So it's been a month and so far I haven't gotten any farther with the knitting... I'm hoping to really get started now that everyone is over their sickness... Keep ya updated

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Knitting Day 1-

I have ventured into an unknown land of yarn and needles. I can look in a knitting book and see a pattern and say aww thats cute.... ummm yea not easy, cute maybe but not easy.

So I've taken a different approach... I had a small victory by learning to cast on and to do a knit stitch. YAY ME!!! I have started a blanket with a rough thread so I can concentrate on getting the knit stitch down.

So I have cast on 52 times and knit all 52 but its to tight so Im taking it all out and will recast tomorrow.....